
How many of us have at least one biological sister? I personally have two sisters by birth, but I ‘ve gained plenty more by God’s divine placement. Sisters are truly our first set of friends. I am the baby, of my mom’s three children, and I have learned so much from my older sister. Sometimes the older sister takes up the slack to prevent trouble from coming in our direction. We must thank God for such special caliber of people. Being a sister means telling the truth even when the recipient doesn’t want to hear it. As sisters we have to be accountable to one another. A sister bond says, I have your back even when you aren’t in my presence. A sister will keep you honest to your truths and morals.

How many of us can say that we have praying sisters? I see my praying sisters weekly and my heart is filled with joy every time we meet. There is a blessed assurance to know we won’t face our battles alone.  I encourage each of you to ask God for a sister if you don’t have one in your life. A sister is one who can give enlightment about many situations. If your biological sister isn’t close to you, then pray for a reconciled relationship. We all need the right people in our lives. It is fair to say nobody on earth can navigate through life without any human assistance.

I cherish the sisters that I have in my life. A focal point that we can take from this: we must be our sister’s keeper. We live in a world to where some of us down talk one another. This should not exist at all because we need one another to survive. We must become a mature  and reliable sister so we can lead other sisters away from immaturity. Let us band together and bridge gaps for every sister. It doesn’t matter what their ethnic group is. We aren’t called to one specific race of people. Therefore let us show ourselves in a sisterly manner so we can grow together. Thank God for the creation of my sisters. I love all of you.

6 thoughts on “Sisters

  1. My love for my sisters are endless. But I have one sister that I’m close too. She has always been there for me. Now the miles separate us. But I love more each day. Even though we don’t talk everyday I know she is still there for me I need her. It’s just a bond I have with her. No we.are not twins but sometimes I feel her present.! Her spirit seems to be around me. I thank God for her. No name but I love you and miss you a lot.

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    1. Auntie I completely understand where you are coming from. I absolutely love my big sister because of who she s been to me. She s got my back no matter what. It s vital to have a sister that is there for you. They are ears, voices of clarity, and shoulders to lean on. I thank God for y’all s relationship. I pray the miles become shorter. I love you and thanks for taking time to view my blog 😘😘😘


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